“Before I messed everything up by having an affair, my partner and I used to say that our relationship was like a continuous love letter. Since my affair, we’ve been through a lot. And that’s an understatement. What’s helping us feel more connected is that now my role in the
Debunking Common Myths about Cheating
When you experience something you’ve never experienced before, it can be difficult to distinguish fact from fiction, especially when the experience includes emotional pain. If you’ve been betrayed by an unfaithful partner, or if you’re the partner who had the affair, your mind is likely running through common societal beliefs
I Can’t Forgive My partner’s Infidelity
It’s no exaggeration to say that infidelity is one of the most devastating things that can happen to a committed relationship, if not the most devastating. Successful intimate relationships are built on trust, and the betrayal of an affair shatters that trust. With patience and dedication and hard work on
Understanding the Pain of Betrayal Trauma
Betrayal trauma is often oversimplified as a singular traumatic experience, yet its true nature is complex and layered. This complexity arises because betrayal trauma doesn’t end when the betrayal ends; instead, it initiates a series of complicated emotional reactions in the betrayed individual that unfold over time. The discovery
Buried Pain: Childhood Trauma’s Impact on Infidelity
The lingering effects of childhood abuse can manifest in complicated ways, shaping how adult survivors of abuse see themselves and how they interact with others. Many survivors of childhood abuse adopt coping strategies to manage the psychological after-effects of the abuse, even if those strategies remain largely automatic or subconscious.