Emotional pain is an inevitable aspect of the human experience, something we all encounter at some point in our lives. As we navigate this pain, we develop coping mechanisms to help us manage and alleviate our suffering. Some of these coping strategies are conscious and intentional, such as reaching out
Buried Pain: Childhood Trauma’s Impact on Infidelity
The lingering effects of childhood abuse can manifest in complicated ways, shaping how adult survivors of abuse see themselves and how they interact with others. Many survivors of childhood abuse adopt coping strategies to manage the psychological after-effects of the abuse, even if those strategies remain largely automatic or subconscious.
From Pain to Betrayal: Childhood Trauma and Infidelity
Childhood trauma — sexual, emotional or physical abuse; the death or abandonment of a parent — can have a lasting impact on an individual’s sense of self and emotional wellbeing. Certain traumatic events shake us at our core, negatively impacting the foundation of our self-development. If we don’t deal with
Why Your Past Matters
When someone comes to therapy to address an issue that is negatively impacting their life, part of the therapist’s job is to build an understanding of what is getting in the client’s way of living a more fulfilling life. This understanding evolves as more becomes known about the person and
Sexually Abused Boys, Self-Destructive Men
“I never thought of what happened to me as sexual abuse. I was ten when my [teenage] babysitter began to suggest that she and I show each other our genitals. And after that it quickly escalated to oral sex. This lasted on and off for about three years until she