Anger is a common and normal reaction to being betrayed. For some, it’s a constant as they attempt to recover from the psychological devastation of a betrayal trauma. You may find that you go to bed angry and wake up angry, unable to shake it off. Or you might
Why Your Past Matters
When someone comes to therapy to address an issue that is negatively impacting their life, part of the therapist’s job is to build an understanding of what is getting in the client’s way of living a more fulfilling life. This understanding evolves as more becomes known about the person and
Surviving Infidelity: Unfaithful Partner
If you’ve cheated on your partner or spouse, you are probably witnessing the emotional and behavioral rollercoaster of a betrayal trauma. Like any challenging path, the journey toward healing is not without its twists and turns. The commitment to surviving infidelity requires both individual as well as relational understanding and
Childhood Trauma, Affair-Prone Adult
“My wife keeps asking me: ‘Why did you cheat? If you love me the way you say you do, how could you have done this to me?’ I wish I had an answer, but the truth is, I really don’t know. It kills me that my not knowing keeps her
Betrayal Trauma and Moral Injury
We all have the potential to act in ways that contradict our own values, and in doing so, undertake actions that can be damaging to ourselves and, potentially, others. Yes, even “good” people can make “poor” behavioral choices. These self-contradictions can be difficult to make sense of and are often