“I’m really hard on myself…but that’s good, right? I guess you could say I’m a perfectionist.” Caesar goes on to give me several examples of his perfectionism: if he makes a mistake at work (“and there’s no mistake too small to overlook”), he doesn’t just beat himself up internally with
Giving Voice to Depression and Anxiety
If you’ve ever experienced depression, you may be one of the many individuals who have also experienced anxiety at the same time. The reverse is also true: many people who have experienced anxiety have also simultaneously suffered from depression. Indeed, research shows that anxiety and depression often occur together. When
Depression in Men
Depression doesn’t discriminate. It affects people regardless of gender, ethnicity, age/phase of life, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status. If you’ve ever been depressed, you know firsthand that depression can be debilitating. And you’re not alone. Around 16% of the U.S. population (an estimated 32 million people) will become clinically depressed
The Face of Depressive Suffering
Clinical depression can be debilitating. It’s different from sadness (though sadness is one symptom of depression). And while there is overlap, it’s different from grief. Too many people struggle with depression and do not get the help they need. Understanding what depression looks like can help you better understand what
Deciphering Depression by Understanding Your Past
Depression may follow a distressing event (for instance, a divorce, the death of a loved one) or it may seem to arise without apparent cause. For some, these are episodic events with a clear beginning and end. But this isn’t always the case. Some live amidst an ongoing battle, doing