“Why can’t you just tell the truth?” Over the course of my twenty-plus years as a psychologist specializing in men’s issues and couples counseling, I’ve heard that very question (or variations of it) from many a betrayed, wounded partner. And the answer, from the half of the couple who has
When Your Husband Is a Sex Addict
It is devastating to discover that your spouse/partner has been unfaithful and/or has a secretive life involving pornography (or some other form of sexual acting out). The betrayal-trauma can shatter your most deeply held assumptions, tearing apart the reality of a relationship that once grounded you and gave meaning to
The Pain of Sex Addiction
Addiction is about being helplessly in the grip of something that starts to override your decision-making capacities; you become a passenger in a life that increasingly careens out of control. Prior to acknowledging that a problem exists, you might have felt capable in managing your life because the major areas
Is Pornography Problematic for You?
[The struggle with pornography use isn’t the same for everyone. For some, it’s the frequency of use that overwhelms them. For others, the lying and secrecy around use takes a toll. Some don’t want to view porn but feel helpless to stop using it, while others feel burdened by guilt
Do I Have a Sexual Addiction?
Although the mental health field has long been convinced that people can be addicted to substances, the industry is divided about whether someone can actually be addicted to sex. Despite the debate among mental health professionals, however, and no matter what label is used to define an individual’s struggles, therapists