Ask Larry how he is doing and you’ll most likely hear, “Fine.” As evidence, he points to a stable job as a police officer, the recent move he and his wife made into their new home about a year ago, and that they are thinking of having a second child
The Lost Vitality of Men
One of the defining features of psychological/emotional wellness is self-awareness, the capacity to remain open and curious about ourselves. We each have a relationship to our inner life, a felt sense of what it’s like to exist across space and time. But accessing what we’re thinking, feeling and experiencing isn’t
5 Concerns Men Have About Sex
If you’re married or in a committed relationship, you may have had the fleeting (or not-so-fleeting) wish that you possessed the power to read your partner’s mind. And you can bet if you had that thought, your mate probably has too. Why is this? Because sometimes the things that are
3 Reasons Men Struggle with Emotional Intimacy
The face of marriage (and intimate relationships) has changed over the years and some men are playing catch-up in order to adjust to these changes. The dynamics created by patriarchal arrangements have given way to greater equality and the blurring of traditional marital roles. The expectations of what it means