Couples who come to see me for couples/marriage counseling frequently do so because they are no longer communicating in meaningful ways. The bridges built on effective communication have deteriorated. “We just don’t talk about anything meaningful anymore”; “S/he’s more interested in texting her/his friends than spending time with me”; “I’m
Why Surrendering is Good for marriage
The word surrender has negative connotations, especially for men. This topic came up with a group of men that were part of a men’s group I was running. The focus of the group was how men could express the love they feel for their spouses/partners. The topic of surrender led
Self-Connection: The Foundation of Connection with Others
How would you describe your relationship to yourself? When you ask yourself this question (one I often ask of clients), it’s easy to quickly respond with a sweeping declaration of self-love, indifference or self-hatred. But such statements don’t really capture the complexity of our relationship with ourselves. And then there
Couples Counseling Tips: Pathways to Connection
Distressed couples are couples that, in some way, have fallen away from each other. The emotional connection that infused life and vitality into their relationship has weakened and in some cases, severed completely. Attachment theory/research shows that emotional connection — that subjective sense that our spouse/partner is emotionally “there” for
Can Retirement Hurt Your Marriage?
Retirement…the word itself is likely to make you smile. After all, it represents a time in your life when you can finally prioritize things according to your wishes, rather than squeeze what’s important to you around the edges of a demanding work schedule. The retired life calls to mind peace