“There are two tragedies in life. One is not to get your heart’s desire. The other is to get it.” ~ George Bernard Shaw Ours can be called the era of self-fulfillment. Knowing what we want and staking a claim to the object(s) of our desires is the mantra of
Protecting the Healing Space of Therapy
All relationships place different demands on us. Each relationship invites us to play a particular role, a way of being that is co-created by both parties. Think, for a moment, of the different relationships you are in — i.e., spouse/partner, parent, sibling, friend, colleague, teammate — and note how each
Friending Your Inner Resiliency
One of the things that all humans have in common is that we will face suffering along the journey of life. Inevitably, we will be confronted with things that are beyond our control. And some of those will involve extreme pain and will represent extreme challenges. Another commonality we share:
Are You Enslaving Yourself to Secrets?
Secrets…everyone has some, right? And, as long as you keep them locked away, as long as they don’t escape and end up in the wrong ears, they’re harmless, right? Well… You start by keeping a secret; but the bigger the secret (in other words, the more vigilantly you feel you
Shame: The Emotional Wrecking-Ball
Most of us can remember a circumstance in our life where we felt the sting of embarrassment or humiliation, those unwanted but common experiences that are part of growing up. For instance: Striking out at the little league game in front of family and friends; hearing about a classmate’s birthday