From its inception, psychoanalysis (and the field of psychotherapy) has explored how individuals protect themselves when faced with overwhelming emotional pain. This can be the pain caused by events in the past (pain that we that repress and unconsciously work to keep at a distance), or the pain resulting from
Why the Blame-Game Hurts You
The “blame-game.” We’ve all played it, sometimes without even realizing that we have a choice to stop. On one hand, it’s aptly named: it’s a “game” in the sense that we can get so caught up in blaming others for something that has happened or what we don’t like in
How Do I Know If I Need A Psychologist?
When people I meet in social settings find out that I’m a psychologist, they often jokingly say something like, “Boy, I should really come to see you!” Or they might describe some aspect of their life and ask, “So doc, do you think I need a psychologist?” These tongue-in-cheek reactions
The Pain of Loving a Narcissist
Narcissism has been getting a lot of attention lately from professionals and the general public. The term is now commonly used in everyday discourse to describe those we see as self-absorbed and uncaring. This has been called the age of narcissism; research suggests that narcissism is on the rise. We
Emotional Wellbeing for Techies: 4 Pro Tips
As a psychologist with a private practice in the greater Austin area, I have the privilege of working with individuals and couples who make their living in the tech industry. And though today’s article is expressly addressing “techies,” emotional wellbeing wisdom overlaps to include all of us, in all industries.