From its inception, psychoanalysis (and the field of psychotherapy) has explored how individuals protect themselves when faced with overwhelming emotional pain. This can be the pain caused by events in the past (pain that we that repress and unconsciously work to keep at a distance), or the pain resulting from
Why Men Enter Counseling
“Going to a psychologist is a sign of weakness. It means I’ve failed. I’d rather try to work out whatever is bothering me on my own.” ~Gerard, 42 years old The above sentiment isn’t as rare as you might think. Many men feel this way. The research finding that men
Men & Emotions: Feeling Your Way Out of Self-Destruction
Ask Larry how he is doing and you’ll most likely hear, “Fine.” As evidence, he points to a stable job as a police officer, the recent move he and his wife made into their new home about a year ago, and that they are thinking of having a second child
A Mother’s Journey Through Grief (part 3)
This is the third post in the series “Grief: A Mother’s Journey.” I want to thank Laura for her courage, compassion, and honesty in writing these pieces. I hope that they are found by those of you who need them most. -Rich Nicastro, PhD Honoring Yourself Through Your Bereavement
Why the Blame-Game Hurts You
The “blame-game.” We’ve all played it, sometimes without even realizing that we have a choice to stop. On one hand, it’s aptly named: it’s a “game” in the sense that we can get so caught up in blaming others for something that has happened or what we don’t like in